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ܼ Job Interview ʿ ų . Tell me about yourself. پ ǥԴϴ^^





"I attended MIT where I majored in Electrical Engineering. 
   My hobbies include basketball, reading novels, and hiking."

   - MIT ڰ ߽ϴ. ̴ , Ҽåб  Դϴ.


"I grew up in Korea and studied accounting.
  I worked at an accounting firm for two years  and I enjoy bicycling and jogging."

  - ѱ ڶ ȸ ߽ϴ. ȸ繫ǿ 2Ⱓ ٹ߰ ڰǰŸ մϴ
  and I like to always challenge myself to improve at everything I do." 

  - ︮ Դϴ. ٸ η ︮ ϰ, ϴ Ͽ

    Ͽ ϴ մϴ.

"Im a hard worker and I like to take on a variety of challenges. I like pets, and in my spare time,

  I like to relax and read the newspaper." 

  - ϸ پ ϴ. ð ֿϵ, ޽, Źд° մϴ.

  I like to engage in my personal activities such as golfing and fishing." 

 - ׻ ϴ մϴ. Ҷ ϰ ͽϴ. ׸ ð Ȱ ϴ մϴ.



"I went to the University of Washington and majored in English Literature. I went to graduate school

  because I really enjoyed learning. Afterwards, I started my career at Boeing as a web content editor.

  Ive been there for 3 years now. Although my emphasis is in writing, I like numbers. I think
  solving logic problems and riddles are quite fun. I also enjoy jogging, reading, and watching movies."

п ߽ϴ. Ͽ п ٳϴ. , ׿ Ʈ ڷ ߽ϴ. 3 Դϴ. ۹ ε巯 е մϴ. Ǯ̿ ֽϴ. ȭ Դϴ.


I have been in the customer service industry for the past five years. My most recent experience

 has been handling incoming calls in the high tech industry. One reason I particularly enjoy this business,

 and the challenges that go along with it, is the opportunity to connect with people. In my last job,

 I formed some significant customer relationships resulting in a 30 percent increase in sales

 in a matter of months.

- Һ 5⵿ ٹ߽ϴ. ֱ ÷ܱ ȭ ߽ϴ. Ư ȣϴ Ѱ Ҽ ִ ȸԴϴ. 忡, ް 30% ° ߿ ߽ϴ