> Ŀ´Ƽ > Grammar in Use
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۾ ȸ 1183
ܼ ־ ִ ⺻Ҵ 硯 硯




󰊱 ־ ִ ⺻Ҵ


    * Music is my greatest love, and it makes me easy. ( - )


* Robert is still sick, but he is getting better slowly. ( - )






󰊲 ־ ־


* To want to love is the basic emotion of man. ()

* Helping others makes our mind relaxed and pleased. () 





󰊳 ThatWhetherǹ(Who,How,Why,When,Where...) 

 What ־  



* That she sings well makes her popular. (That)

* How he won the game is still a mystery. (ǹ)

* What I hate most is talking too much. (What)

* Whether she likes me or not is no concern of mine. (Whether) 



ӻ That ̲ ־ That+־++/ Ǿ ϸ, What ̲ ־ What++/ Ȥ What+־+ ־  What ӿ ԵǾ Ѵ.

* That she said nothing made me angry. (That ־ - )

* What she said made me angry. (What ־ - said)




[ Believe / Believing ] in yourself is a key to success. 



 -ó ۼ  BEedu language institute(BELI)