> ߵ/Ư > ߵμ
EBS ø 1,2,3г (2015): ݿ
2015-01-13 ۾ ȸ 907
ܼ 1,2,3г







01 How Are You Doing? _ڸ
02 What's Your Favorite? _ڸ
03 I'll Take Them! _ڸ
04 Can You Ski? _
05 Be Nice to Your Friends _
06 How Can I Get There? _
07 He Is Playing the Piano _
08 She Is Taller Than You _
09 How About Going Shopping? _
10 I'm Sorry to Hear That _
11 May I Take Your Order? _
12 What Should I Do? _
13 I Always Walk to School _̼
14 What Are You Going to Do Tomorrow? _̼
15 I Hope Your Dream Will Come True _̼